Events Calendar

Branch Elementary Practice
Saturday 27 January 2018, 07:30pm - 09:00pm
Hits : 1011

Branch Elementary Practice at Rodbourne Cheney.

Please confirm your attendance by Wednesday 24th January.  A final confirmation email will be sent out on Thursday 25th January.  This will be via the Branch email list but if you require notification in another format please let me know.

Below is a brief overview of the general aims of these practices.

Elementary Practices

New Year, looking to improve your ringing? Can’t crack the bobs in Plain Bob or stuck on the singles in Grandsire Doubles? Perhaps you want some guidance on Plain Hunt, or you can’t quite grasp rounds and call changes. If yes to any of the above, then the Elementary Practices are for you!

If you come to an Elementary Practice you will receive additional ringing and practice from ringing Call Changes up to Plain Bob Minor. There will be friendly faces that can help you out if you keep getting stuck at one point or if you can’t master something then just ask. As a Branch we want to see everyone progress so if you aren't sure then come along and ask a question. Or for those of you who can ring the methods then why not come along to assist other Branch members. It would be lovely to see you.